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Songwriting: Motivation during the practice process

Many songwriters and producers eventually run into the same problem during their practice process during a course or music education. We would all like to have the latest world hit on Spotify tomorrow, but the reality is that it doesn’t work that way. Creative people see progress quickly, but the biggest problem is that often […]

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Intro to studio monitors

One of the most important parts of your studio setup is, nexts to the acoustics, a good set of monitors. From the start until the end you are trying your best to make your production or mix sound as good as possible. You invested heavily in a fancy laptop, an expensive interface, every plugin imaginable, […]

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Potresti pensare che ci siano solo due tipi di scale nella musica: minore e maggiore. Pensa di nuovo. Ci sono molti colori che puoi aggiungere alla tua musica. I modi della chiesa (o solo i modi) sono un ottimo esempio. Per capirli non serve una laurea in conservatorio o seguire i corsi di una scuola […]

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Microphone 101

It might seem obvious, yet it is good to realise that your microphone choice has a massive impact on your recording. If you know the characteristics of each type of microphone, you can make the right decision for any recording. How does a microphone work? In essence each microphone is a transducer. A transducer is […]

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Loudness and LUFS

As soon as you get to a certain level with your music and want to have it mixed and mastered, you will encounter the term LUFS. LUFS is a way of measuring the loudness of your music. If you understand this, you might also understand why you have to turn up your volume when listening […]

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Acoustic treatment

It requires a surprisingly low amount of money to get your home studio at a more professional level. You mainly have to invest some time. It often looks more complicated than it actually is. With a relatively small amount of adjustments in your space you can make all the world of a difference. Both for […]

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Tips for vocal recordings at home

Most music producers will produce from their bedroom, which means all their recordings are done there as well. As the famous saying goes: ‚fix it in the mix‘, but what if the source is already perfect and you don’t need to fix anything? Here are a couple of easy fixes to quickly improve your vocal […]

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Using reference tracks

It is an industry secret that there are in fact no industry secrets. Or are there… There might be one industry secret every mixing engineer or music producer has up his sleeve. And that is using a reference track. If you spend so much time in your own world listening to a pair of monitors […]

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Gain staging

On the internet you can’t go anywhere without reading it. Everybody seems to be saying ‚mind the headroom‘, but what is it? Is there a specific set of values you need to mind as a producer? How can you structure your mix to get a consistent signal flow throughout? What is gain staging Gain staging […]

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An overview of compressors

Together with EQ’s compressors are one of the most important tools in music production. You can use it to decrease the dynamics of a track, but you can also use it to shape a sound. But with so many different kinds of compressors, when and where do you use which one? A lot of digital […]

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