Hilversum and Paris

Creative Management & Organisation (FULL)

Module 10 – Creative Management & Organisation

Note: the applications for the 2024-2025 school year are FULL

Grow skills as an artist manager, A&R and industry professional in a practical way, straight in the heart of the industry. 8-12 hours per week organisation training + projects management. Work on : Marketing, Promotion, Content creation, Event organisation, etc… Work on the projects of real artists of the Wisseloord community! 1 on 1 coaching + 5 classes of Module 2

Creative Management & Organisation (FULL)


Tailor Made Schedule

Price Year

€ 2100

Price Semester

€ 1400

Who willCoach you?

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Brynja Mary
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Ben Vedren
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4h on Saturdays, every 2 weeks

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Audio Recording & Mixing
Module 5
Davide Ruffini
Iacopo Sinigaglia
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