Lightning fast from the Academy to topping the charts: Wisseloord alumna Roxy Dekker

Roxy Dekker’s song “Gaan We Weg?” flew to the top of the Dutch charts this summer — now, she’s navigating the rewards of pushing through after rejection, while exploring new levels of fame through shows and recording.

Roxy Dekker on a stage

Roxy Dekker, NRC Handelsblad.

We’ve been hearing the name and voice of the nederpop star of this moment, Roxy Dekker, all summer. She has been number one topping the Dutch music charts for months now with her gold record “Anne-Fleur Vakantie” and follow-up singles “Satisfyer” and “Sugardaddy”. Even though her rise does not come as a surprise, the 19-year-old artist goes lightning fast from a zero to a hundred.

Rejection as part of the process
Creating successful collaborations, smart TikTok strategies, music teasers and catchy songs: it is the pathway for an artist in digital times in the music industry. For many it remains a struggle, but Roxy mastered it in her own successful way. But this does not go without effort and a process with ups and downs: rejection is part of the process, she mentions in an interview with NRC Handelsblad. After being rejected from the music school she wanted to apply for, she looked further into her options: what to do next and where to go to find my own musical and artistic direction?

Into the deep end at the Wisseloord Academy
Roxy’s singing teacher recommended the Full Course for Songwriters, Composers and Producers at the Wisseloord Academy. As a result, Roxy enjoyed a boiling year of music in 2022 and 2023, she told NRC Handelsblad:

“[It was] actually an adult course. Everything was in English and I was the youngest in my year. As an assignment, we often had to pitch ourselves to music labels. I found it terrifying. But looking back, that’s why I dare to talk now.” The pitching rehearsals paid off: Roxy is now signed with music label Warner Music in Amsterdam. 

What more can we expect from Roxy in the near future? This late summer you will find her performing at multiple Dutch festivals, next to working on new music. As she told NRC, she aspires to release her own album. And another one of her dreams that we don’t find unthinkable? A performance of her own in one of the Amsterdam-based venues Melkweg or Paradiso.

Photo: Julia Huikeshoven in NRC Handelsblad