
Module 9
Ben Vedren
Gevin Niglas
Hugo Martin Maasikas
Ces entraîneurs enseigneront ce cours
Dévelopement de la performance scénique
Module 7
Bastien Corné
Cato van Dyck
Ever Mihigo
Ces entraîneurs enseigneront ce cours
Module instrumental
Module 6
Bastien Corné
Rafil Sam
Yori Olijslagers

Mercredis tous les 15 jours

Module instrumental

En savoir plus
Travail de groupe & sessions privées avec les mentors
Module 3
Bastien Corné
Ben Vedren
Ces entraîneurs enseigneront ce cours
Développement de carrière & Network
Module 2
Bastien Corné
Chiara Gallerani
Clement Le Gal
Ces entraîneurs enseigneront ce cours
Cours Complet pour Ingénieurs du son
Ben Vedren
Davide Ruffini
Ces entraîneurs enseigneront ce cours

Début d'année le 14 Septembre 2024 (Hilversum, Paris) Début d'année le 30 Septembre 2024 (Milano) Début d'année le 14 Octobre 2024 (Tallinn)

Cours Complet pour Ingénieurs du son

En savoir plus
Cours Complet pour artistes, auteurs, compositeurs et producteurs
Cours Complet
Bastien Corné
Ben Vedren
Ces entraîneurs enseigneront ce cours

Début d’année le 14 Septembre 2024 (Hilversum, Paris) Début d’année le 30 Septembre 2024 (Milano) Début d’année le 14 Octobre 2024 (Tallinn)

Cours Complet pour artistes, auteurs, compositeurs et producteurs

En savoir plus

Malik Berrabah

Malik Berrabah is owner of Wisseloord and founder of the Wisseloord Academy. His track record as a songwriter, composer, arranger and producer is rich of countless national and international records in various genres. He has contributed to the production of numerous albums, singles, television programs, etc., and regularly advises the Majors in a neutral way on the level of new musical projects in development. Malik is also Adviseur of the Amsterdam Fonds Voor de Kunst, the organisation providing state grants to the main cultural projects of the dutch capital. His love for sharing with growing talents leads him, when his schedule allows, to participate as a jury for international conservatory exams.

Since the beginning of his career 25 years ago, Malik has decided to do all his musical work under various pseudonyms in order to keep his career detached from any stylistic labels, to keep his creative freedom and to stay away from the ego games of the music industry.

Ramon Ginton

Ramon Ginton is a musician and producer who has worked for names such as Drake, Bizzey, Ronnie Flex and more.

Kahina Khimoune

Coming from a family of artists, Kahina had the chance, from an early age, to be immersed in this privileged environment. At the age of 8, she began playing the piano at the National Regional Conservatory of her city and, throughout her schooling, joined classes offering students the opportunity to follow school programs as well as reinforced artistic education, the expected extension of which is the Professional orientation.

With a General Literary Baccalaureate in hand, she studied Modern Literature at the Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris, but she quickly understood that she felt more at ease and above all more useful, behind the scenes than on the front of the stage. Already perceiving, within her family, the problems with which artists in the cultural sector are confronted in administrative and relational management; these difficulties that hinder them in the accomplishment of their artistic and creative work, Kahina came up with the idea of ​​offering services to artists. She then joined a renowned school of communication and press officer in Paris, after which she worked for 5 years at Radio FG as a relationship manager with international resident artists.

After a two-year stay in London, in 2009 she joined David Guetta’s team, where she is the administrator of many companies. At the same time, she takes care of organizing all his professional and artistic meetings, organizes writing workshops, accompanies him in the studio, thus assisting in the genesis of many worldwide successes. Kahina acquired international expertise in the development of artistic careers, in the management of production and publishing companies specializing in music.

During her 12 years spent alongside David Guetta and through her many encounters, she found that the musical field is not the only one concerned but that other sectors are just as affected by the difficulty of collaborating with serious, reliable and trustworthy people. Aware of the fact that the digital age has considerably transformed culture and in particular music with streaming, and fully determined to help all these artists find themselves in the jungle of these new codes, both administratively and digitally, in 2021, she decided to create Kahin@ gency, a structure in harmony with an evolving and ambitious context, but responsible, at the height of its convictions.